Welcome to Bigfoot Church of Christ
Discover a small church with a big love for God and each other.
Welcome to Bigfoot Church of Christ
Discover a small church with a big love for God and each other.
Discover a small church with a big love for God and each other.
Discover a small church with a big love for God and each other.
Our gatherings are all about encouragement. We want you to be encouraged in your faith because you visited us and take that encouragement with you, and be an encouragement to others.
Our services are not about condemnation or negative or competitive toward other people of faith or churches. Rather, we focus on what unites us rather than what divides. We try to speak the truth in a loving way. We believe that the most important doctrine is the doctrine of love. "And now these three remain--faith, hope and love--and the greatest of these is love."
Bigfoot is a small peaceful community near green pastures dotted with huge Live Oak trees. If you've ever thought about a quiet, loving, peaceful little church out in the country, then you've found us!
Bigfoot, Texas is named after a famous early Texas Ranger, William "Bigfoot" Wallace.
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Our mission at Bigfoot Church of Christ is to encourage everyone with the love and message of Jesus Christ. First, this means encouraging you first! Our approach is that church services are intended to encourage you first so that you will want to share with others later. "God loves a cheerful giver." "Praise be to the God of all comfort who comforts us so that we can comfort others.
We have a big new vision for the future--we want to be an encouraging church for all of God's people both near and far-- from our cherished Bigfoot community to wherever our message may reach. And that includes you right now. Thank's for visiting our website. Check back here as our site grows with more pictures, news, and sermons.
We are now offering worship services the first Sunday of each month! Come and be a part of our small church that wants you to be a part too. During the other Sundays of the month you may attend church elsewhere, but we hope that you will still want to make your home with us come the first Sunday of each month. If our attendance grows we will add additional Sundays to the schedule. But you can be a faithful member of our church with just one Sunday a month!
We have members of every age bracket and are blessed with a good group of young people. What we lack in size and programs we make up for in a loving, welcoming and encouraging environment. You will always be met with a smile and a handshake here.
We have comfortable cushioned pews and other excellent facilites like a large fellowship hall used for occasional get togethers and nice classroom spaces, clean restrooms and cool air conditioning.
We have a new vision for the future. We are grateful for our past having been part of the Bigfoot community for a hundred years. And now the torch is being passed to our generations. Many new families are moving into the Bigfoot area. If you are new to the area, we would love to become your new church home too. And for those of you who live further away, you can still feel right at home at Bigfoot Church of Christ. Several of our members drive from as far as the Pearsall and San Antonio areas. You are welcome and wanted here. Remember that big things can happen in small places, and the giving and receiving of love is the biggest thing of all. Come and help us grow and find encouragement here.
One thing you might notice about Bigfoot Church of Christ is how generous our members are! Your donations are welcome and most place their offering in the collection plate when we meet for church services. But it is not your money that we want; it is your loving presence. "God loves a cheerful giver."
How the Church of Christ Began
The Church of Christ began as a unity movement on the American frontier back in the early 1800's. It sought to bring all the different denominations together to be "just Christians" in one church with a simple name found in the New Testament itself. The Church of Christ was one of the first churches to focus on unity in our new America. The Church of Christ was also called the Christian Church and the Disciples of Christ, interchangeably, since it felt that these were also legitimate names used by the early New Testament churches.
Some Church of Christ Members Felt the Church Had Ceased
Some Church of Christ members, from the past few generations, have felt that the true Church of Christ ceased to exist for many centuries because of false beliefs and practices and was only restored back into being by our American movement called the Church of Christ--that we are then a continuation of the Church of Christ of the 1st Century. However, most early Christians, who became the Churches of Christ, believed that all the churches of their day were legitimate expressions of the church of Christ but in need of continued reformation and unity.
What the Early Church of Christ Stood For
The Christians who became the Church of Christ felt that the denominational names and "creeds" of the day were inherently divisive, and were not found in the New Testament itself. They felt that it was better to just let the Bible speak for itself and be silent about controversial matters that were not clearly matters of salvation. The Churches of Christ of those early days felt that if everyone just believed and obeyed the Bible and got rid of divisive "creeds" (statements of what they believed and stood for as a church) and unbiblical sounding names and church government that excluded others, that all would be well and Christians would be able to come to unity simply based upon believing, obeying and following the patterns and teaching clearly shown in the Bible.
The Reason Churches Divided
But this idea, though noble, did not adequately allow for the fact that other churches sincerely believed differently about some things that the New Testament taught. so much so, that these denominations had previously felt it necessary to divide from others who did not see it there way, before coming to the New World. To these Christians, these were matters of salvation and could not be compromised on. And so the denominations of the day, including what would become the Church of Christ, would divide again and again because of sincere differences, whether written in a creed, or like the Church of Christ, not written down at all, and yet divided upon as if it were written. Most divisions, from all the churches of the day, were based upon sincere disagreements of Christians who wanted to do and believe the right things and who felt like they should divide rather than compromise. To most of them, correct doctrinal viewpoints were more important than unity. They did not adequately see unity as an important "doctrine."
Division Caused By Competition
But church divisions were not always noble. Some denominations, including Churches of Christ, got caught up in the competitiveness of the new American frontier age and sought to spread their own groups across the frontier rather than work for the unity of the whole.
The Church of Christ And Baptism
Each denomination had its own sincere reason for dividing. For the Christians who became the Church of Christ, the proper understanding and practice of baptism would eventually become the most important divisive matter and came to take precedence over its original quest for unity.
The Churches of Christ came to believe that a person could not be saved until they were baptized by immersion in water and that salvation by grace happened in that exact moment, and only in the moment of baptism. They felt that the denominations of the day did not understand and teach baptism correctly and so needed to be opposed. Contrary to the criticism of other denominations toward the Church of Christ position on baptism, most in the Church of Christ never believed that we are saved by the "work" of baptism, but rather it was merely a reaching out of the hand, or should I say, a reaching out of the entire person, to receive the free gift of salvation which was by grace. But, the Church of Christ position was that God would only give his grace to those who were baptized with the correct understanding of baptism.-- that you needed to understand that you were lost before baptism and saved by God's grace during or after baptism.
Other Denominations and Baptism
Many denominations of the day also believed that Baptism was essential. However some felt that a person was saved by God before baptism and that baptism, though a part of the initial salvation experience, was to be done soon after faith and commitment to Christ when salvation first occurred. Others believed that baptism was so important than even babies should be baptized while others said that the only baptism that was valid was adult baptism. Others believed that it was the baptism of the Holy Spirit that really mattered, not water baptism. Others felt that it was the baptism of the heart, not the water, that made the difference, and so baptism, though an important part of God's plan, was not to take precedence over this inner baptism. Few denominations felt that baptism was unimportant.
The Church of Christ On Baptism Today
Today. the Church of Christ position on baptism is as dynamic and varied as its various churches. Since there are no church headquarters by design, since that would go against the simple church autonomy found in the New Testament, there is also no organization requiring any particular church to teach this or that in general. Yet, there has always been a general understanding among members that this or that is what we believe.
Today the Church of Christ position on baptism has generally softened through a better understanding of grace. There was a time when the Church of Christ was sometimes referred to as "the church who thinks they are the only ones going to heaven." That was because of its stance on baptism that at one time said that you must be baptized with the right understanding in order for your baptism to be valid. In other words, that you must understand you are lost before baptism and saved only during or after baptism. And since many other Christians from other denominations may not have believed it exactly that way, their baptism not accepted as valid by some of the more vocal, conservative members of the Church of Christ. Yet, there were always Church of Christ members who did not go to these extremes and accepted those with different views on baptism as Christians while still holding on to the importance of baptism in the salvation experience. These have understood that there are many baptized, obedient believers in many denominations and it is not our place to pinpoint the exact moment when God can save a person. That decision belongs to God alone. And that it is also the inner baptism of the heart that is the most important part of baptism, anyway. Yet, it is God himself that wants us to celebrate and engage in the salvation experience with baptism as the focal point.
What Bigfoot Church of Christ Stands For
There are many churches, including Churches of Christ, like Bigfoot Church of Christ, who want to get back to our roots of working toward the restoration of unity. We respect our brothers and sisters from the various denominations. We no longer want to fight. We realize that we, as Christians, do not have the luxury of competing against each other today. More than ever Christians need each other and must join together in our common cause. This is not merely what we want: we believe this is God's will. So, we focus on what unites us rather than what divides us.
We are also proud of our Church of Christ heritage and teachings where that heritage and teaching are in harmony with the Bible. The Church of Christ has always prided itself on remaining true to the Bible. We at Bigfoot Church of Christ stand proudly in that tradition. By seeking to restore unity we are focusing on restoring the greatest biblical doctrine of all.
"By this will all people know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." "Father I pray for all of those who will believe in me because of their message, that they will all be one."
For Those From Other Denominational Backgrounds
If you are from another denominational background, know that you are welcome here and that your religious heritage will be respected. We can agree to disagree on some things but we can always agree on accepting each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.
For Those With No Church Background
If you have no church background but wonder why there are so many different churches, come join a church that is committed to helping us all be just one united church. Learn about Jesus here and find encouragement!
For Those From a Church of Christ Background
If you come from a Church of Christ background but feel out of place with those who seem to want to continue to focus on what divides us rather than what unites us, then come back home to your roots. Help us be true to the vision of our original
founders, who wanted to be like the 1st century church and restore the greatest doctrine of all--the doctrine of loving unity. Of course I know that, as as member of the Church of Christ, you also want to be true to our original founder, Jesus Christ, who prayed so fervently that we would all be one. And that you will also want to take your rightful place with Christians from every century who came before us, who also called upon the Lord out of a pure heart, not just those from our own day and group. The church of Christ has always existed in every generation, saved by the grace of God.
The Biblical Authority For Unity
I know that those of us who come from a Church of Christ background believe that we must have biblical authority for the doctrinal positions that we hold. We are a "thinking" church. Some churches excel at expressing emotion. Others, like the Church of Christ have traditionally excelled in thinking correctly about doctrinal matters. And so it is important to realize that there is a biblical "thinking" mandate for seeking to achieve unity. First, being interested in unity is being "doctrinally sound." The doctrine I speak about is the doctrine of loving grace. There are so many verses that support this doctrine that you couldn't list them all here. The whole New Testament is based upon the doctrine of grace. This grace offers forgiveness and understanding for believers with intellectual flaws as well as moral mistakes. Many grant that moral flaws can be forgiven but have not been forthcoming with grace for intellectual, "thinking" flaws, especially about baptism. But the doctrine of God's grace not only allows you to accept your brothers and sisters from various denominations, without compromising your own beliefs, but it demands it if you would be doctrinally sound. You may continue to disagree with those who have a different view about baptism because you know they are sincere, obedient believers who love the Lord, just like you,. These are no longer enemies but now are brothers and sisters in Christ. Among these are parents and grandparents who also loved the Lord and passed their precious faith to us, though some did not come from a Church of Christ background. And then there are also all of our other brothers and sisters from all the centuries past who loved the Lord though they were part of one great church that had many "intellectual flaws." And there are many friends and co-workers who need our fellowship and support, and we need them too.
Sound Doctrine
This doctrine of God's grace teaches that you cannot be "sound" doctrinally if you neglect the most important doctrine of all.
Remember, "By this will all people know that you are my disciples, if you have love for each other." This is the kind of love that accepts those who may have a "weaker" intellectual view of baptism than you think that you have, because there are many sincere, obedient believers in our Lord Jesus, who truly do not see it our way, not because they are deliberately disobedient to the command but because that is the way they sincerely believe is right. That puts that kind of a person into a different category--the kind of person that we believe is a Christian and should be treated us such.
Bigfoot Church of Christ Wants You
If you are looking for a loving church that wants to be true to the Bible like this, then we hope you will come and join us at Bigfoot Church of Christ!
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